Saturday, January 21, 2012

Why I cried during Beauty and the Beast 3D...

I mean, besides the fact that I ALWAYS cry at the end... when he turns into (spoiler alert! haha!) a human again, and he says, "Belle, it's me!" and she looks at him, recognizes his eyes, and says, "It is you!" and then they kiss, and live happily ever after....

But today I was crying for a different reason.  I remember going to see Beauty and the Beast in the theater with my mom when it first came out.  I remember how mom gasped (and still does) at the ballroom scene and how her dress moved and swayed and twirled.  It had never been done before in a Disney movie, and mom was blown away.

Today, as I took my daughter to see it in 3D, I was overcome with emotion at the goodness of God.  I was overwhelmed as I thought about His perfect plan for us- how He handpicked Kristen to be in our family before the creation of the world- how He knew that He would bring her to us through adoption- how He would prepare our hearts for adoption- how all of my experiences have led to this: that I have the honor of being mommy to a 6 year old who has the sweetest heart of anyone I know.  There are so many things that God has done to lead us to this point that if I listed them all, the post would never end, but it is so abundantly clear that He has ordained our steps- the good ones, and the bad ones- in order to prepare us to be the family that we are now.

I was only going to post 1 picture, but I love her little Elvis lip in this one below! Check it out! :)

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