It's been a little while since I've blogged, but with school starting back up, and the arrival of our newest nephew, we've been extremely busy!
Caleb is the cutest, sweetest, most precious, handsome baby I've seen! I'm in love. He was born Friday, August 27 at 10:30 pm. He weighed in at 8 lbs, and was 21 3/4 inches long! Big boy!!!
Jill (Caleb's mommy) was a trooper! Her water broke at about 4:30 Friday morning. Everything was going well, and when we were on our way to Indianapolis for the birth, we got a call at about 6pm that she was dilated to 9 1/2 centimeters, and they were going to start pushing as soon as she got to 10. Caleb got stuck though, and couldn't come out! Caleb didn't seem to be under any stress, and Jill was doing well (like a said, a trooper!) so the dr. decided to let the labor continue naturally. At 10:30, they took him out via c-section. We were SO relieved to have him here, finally! (None more so than Jill, I'm sure!)
Sweet, precious Caleb spent the first few days of his life in the NICU, and scared us all to death. He was apparently under more stress during the labor than they realized, and then he took a gulp of marchonium. When they were sucking all that out of his lungs, they nicked a spot on his lung. So our perfect Caleb was in pretty rough shape there for a while, and had quite the fight ahead of him.
Matt and Jill did GREAT! I watched in awe as my big brother became a daddy, and did what he needed to do to take care of his wife and child. He took shifts of immediate family to the NICU to see Caleb, but didn't let anyone stay too long, and let us know when they needed rest. What a proud little sister I was!
Caleb hit every milestone, and did great in the NICU! He was released on Monday morning, and stayed in the hospital until Tuesday when the doctor told Matt, "Jill and Caleb are too healthy to be in the hospital. Take them home!"
Will and I had to leave Indy Sunday afternoon, but we got to go back the next weekend for Caleb's dedication!
Caleb was WONDERFUL! He didn't cry once in church. The rest of us, however... ;)
I can't wait to get to know this little guy, and I'm thrilled to be his "Auntie M." He is such a good baby. He's just content, and goes with the flow. I expect more frequent visits to Indy in the future!