Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Christmas with the Thomas Family

I stopped several times on Christmas day and stood in awe of what God has done in our family over the past year.  We've added 2 precious children to our family.  Will graduated from seminary with his master's degree.  I'm now a stay at home mom (something we've been working towards and praying about since we got married.)  We are truly blessed. 

On Christmas Eve, our kids opened their stockings (a tradition from my family) and we went to the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at our church.  We also opened presents via Skype with both sets of Will's parents.  We had already opened presents with my parents.

On Christmas Day, the kids opened their presents (Kristen didn't wake up until 8:00!!) Kristen deemed herself as Sam's present opener.  We had breakfast, the kids played with their toys and took naps, and then we had dinner.  We played a game as a family, and that pretty much rounded out our Christmas.  It was a wonderful, relaxing day with our family.  I can't remember the last time we had a day where we didn't have to be anywhere or do anything. 

 Our Christmas festivities ended in January when we went to visit my brother's family.  The kids loved playing together.  It's going to be so fun (chaotic?) when all 3 boys are a little older.  I'm sure they're going to get into lots of mischief together.  For now, Kristen and Caleb played together, and Carson and Sam tried to figure out who this "other" baby was. :)

For Samuel- Your 2nd Month

So, I'm approximately 13 days late on this, which means this is really more of a 2 1/2 month post, but lets pretend that you're actually still just 2 months old, ok?

This month was the month of SMILING! Oh my how it makes mommy's heart light up to see you smile.  I will literally drop ANYTHING I'm doing when I see that sweet little grin.  It takes us about 20 minutes to change your diaper, because we have a good time smiling and making noises at each other. I love it.  You are such a happy baby!

Some big events:

Mommy and daddy went out on our 1st date since you were born.  Daddy took me out for my birthday, and Ms. Nikki came to watch you and your sister.  We got all the way through dinner, and even picked up dessert to eat at home.  I only cried a little, and you slept the whole time, so I'd call it a success. :)

We celebrated Christmas- you and your sister raked in the presents this year.  Seriously, you are both extremely spoiled by your grandparents. I guess we'll let the spoiling slide... ;)  You celebrated Christmas by sleeping through the night for the 1st time!!!  Wohoo!  Merry Christmas to Mommy!

We celebrated New Year's.  You and your sister were both asleep when we rang in the new year.

At Christmas and New Year's both, I kept thinking about how next year, you'd be toddling around everywhere, and eating "real" food!  It still makes me sad to think how fast you're growing.

You went for your 2 month checkup on the 3rd.  You weighed 12 lbs. 13 oz, and were 22 inches long.  That puts you in the 75th% for weight, 50th% for height, and your head circumference was in the 25th%.  You got 3 vaccines at that appointment, and you screamed and screamed and screamed.  Mommy cried just a little bit a lot

We had some snow! We played in it just for a little bit- it was COLD!

A little about you!

You are a good sleeper.  We are so beyond blessed by that.  By 4 weeks you were sleeping about 6 hours, and by 2 months you were doing usually between 7-8 hours.  Thank you, sweet child, for that wonderful gift.  Even if you do wake up in the middle of the night, you nurse, and go right back to sleep.  Seriously. Thank. You. (Let's keep it up!)

You still love your playmat, but you got a new toy for Christmas- it's a penguin that has a mirror, and plays music.  You may love that penguin a little more. ;)

You've sat in your Bumbo seat a few times, and you're getting a lot better at holding your head up, although I think you're liking tummy time even less, so we'll need to work on that. :)

You're still loving to cuddle (and mommy appreciates that!)

You adore your sister.  You will pick her out of the crowd, and focus your eyes on her alone.  It's so sweet. 

You're wearing 3-6 month clothes, and size 2 diapers.  At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if you're in 6-9 month clothes by 4 months. 

Samuel, we absolutely adore you!