Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Packing for kiddos

I saw this idea on pinterest, and tweaked it to make it my own.  Basically the idea is that when you are traveling with kids you put an entire outfit together, throw it in a gallon sized bag, and when you get to your destination, the kids pick out 1 outfit/day to wear.  I thought this was a WONDERFUL idea.  When we went on vacation in June, I did this, but I tweaked it some.  One day, we were going to be inside all day (pants or a skirt would have been fine) and another day, we were hiking (aka- comfy, cool clothing was a MUST!) So instead of simply putting everything in a bag, I also labelled the bags with the day she was going to wear them.  Kristen helped, and when we went on vacation, there were no questions, arguments, etc. about what she was going to wear.  I even bagged and labelled her pj's, swimsuits, and, of course, a couple of "extra" outfits just in case.   It worked like a charm, and so I did it again for the trip she and I are taking to visit my parents.  Here's a peak:
Put together the entire outfit. Don't forget socks, hair accessories, and undies!
Put outfit in gallon sized bag labelled with the day they will wear it. I always leave the bags open a little, so they don't fill up with air.

Do the same for PJ's! (excuse my camera strap in the picture!
Bag is all packed! In order of the day she will wear each outfit. 

Also, I realized while we were packing, that this is probably the last time in a long time that I'll be packing for a trip without packing diapers! What?! How do we only have 3 months left in this pregnancy??  :) What tips do you have for making traveling with kids easier? 

Monday, July 23, 2012


We are so blessed to only live a couple of hours from my brother and his family!  Now that we both have kids, our get togethers are a lot more, umm... entertaining?  Well, this weekend, Will, Kristen and I went to babysit their boys- Caleb and Carson, while Matt and Jill had a day/night away. Y'all, I am telling you that those 2 boys are the most well-behaved, easy going kids I've ever met in my life.  Seriously, they better teach their cousin Samuel everything they know about being so content!  Here's some pics from our weekend:

Would you believe me if I told you that this sweet boy is not even 4 months old yet?!

Looking for crab apples with Uncle Will

What a little man! I can't believe he's almost 2! Seems like just yesterday, we were welcoming him into the world!

My sweet girl!

Caleb wanted to do everything that big cousin Kristen did!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Cleaning the dishwasher: aka- yuck!

This post highlights one of the more glamorous parts of housekeeping. ;)

Our dishwasher was supposedly brand new when we moved in to our apartment 2 years ago.  Since then, I've noticed a slow decline in it's cleaning abilities.  I was doing some looking on Pinterest, and I discovered that I might actually need to *shock* clean my dishwasher!  I looked on a lot of different sites, took a few ideas from each one, and this is what I came up with:

Step 1: Remove the filter on the door and clean. This was disgusting! I popped it off with a screwdriver (what I read said that if it came off easily, it was meant to come off, otherwise, get your hands off!)  I used the screwdriver to dig down (carefully) and get a lot of the gunk out, and then I used q-tips to do the rest.

I realized I better take pictures of this when I was almost finished cleaning it!
This is some of the grossness that came out! yuck!
Step 2: Remove the filter at the bottom of the dishwasher, and clean out.  Check holes for any clogs.  Again, I popped this off with a screwdriver.  If it's meant to come off, it will come off easily.  Otherwise, hands off!

Step 3: Check the spinny thing (that's the technical term I think) for any clogged holes.  I used q-tips to do this as well.

Step 4: Run 1 cup of vinegar on the top rack of the dishwasher. (I read some suggestions to run CLR through it, but I didn't have any, so I did this instead.)

Step 5: Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom, and run again.

My dishwasher was smelling fresh, and clean as a whistle!

For the past few years, I've made my own laundry detergent, and I've always wondered if you could make your own dish detergent.  Again, I looked around, and came up with this recipe.

1 c. Borax
1 c. Washing Soda
1/2 c. Lemi Shine
1/2 c. Kosher Salt

This is what it looked like mixed together.
Mix together.  I put mine in an airtight plastic container. Use 1 Tablespoon per load (I split mine probably 25/75 between the prewash, and the regular wash cups.   Fill the rinse aid cup with white vinegar.  Run as usual. 

Here's what my glasses looked like when they came out.  I'd say it's a success!

*Note: this is what worked for me, but it may not work for you.  :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Let's get organized! Part 1: Living Room

I've been promising for a while, via Facebook, and this blog, that I was going to post pictures of our reorganization project.  Well... it's taken a little (ok, a lot) longer than I anticipated, but we are almost done!

First let me say that I generally think of myself as an organized person.  I can't stand clutter, and I can't stand to have things around that aren't useful.  Thus, every 6 months or so, I clean out.  We did a huge cleaning out last summer in preparation for the child we were adopting (didn't know it was Kristen at the time!).  However, we had some spaces that we felt like weren't being utilized properly, and could be better organized. 

I have to thank my fabulous family for sticking with me as I went through literally every single thing in our house, to decide whether or not we were keeping it, and if so, where were we going to store it? We moved entire closets, rethought how we were using our space, and have made some pretty big changes around here! This involved many nights of eating out (sometimes we couldn't even get near the kitchen because I was storing stuff in there!)

We had some criteria  for whether items stayed or went:
1. Do we love it?
2. Is it useful to us? (More specifically, have we used it in the last year?)
3. If we keep it, will our children still have space for the things they need? I'm not saying they need tons of things, and we try to keep toys, etc. pretty minimal, but obviously, they need space for clothes, a few toys, etc.

Just a quick background.  We are staying put in our 2 bedroom 800 sq. foot apartment for the time being.  There are lots of reasons for this- but we feel like this is the best decision for our family right now.  We figured we better start making some space for Samuel's November arrival.  So the plan is to give him some closet space in Kristen's room, and clear out some space in our room for a pack-n-play where he will sleep.  (We don't want him waking up Kristen in the middle of the night.)

So... without further delay, here's what we did in the living room.

(No, I didn't take before pictures- I was too embarrassed!)

The problem: We needed space for our home office needs, some homeschool materials that I use with Kristen, and my craft things.

What we had: Craft stuff was just everywhere, and I couldn't get to it when I needed to, didn't know what I had, etc.   Our homeschool stuff was in a pile by the kitchen table, and our office stuff was stored (mostly) in a desk that we had.  It was also in piles (to be filed, paid, etc.) on my dresser. (Lovely and peaceful for sleeping at night, right?)

When we analyzed our use of space, we realized that we weren't even using the desk.  We used it to pile stuff on, and that was it.  No one sat at it.  K does homework at the kitchen table and we usually use our laptops while sitting on our couch.  Also, the desk was old, and falling apart. 

The solution: I bought these 2 shelves from Walmart.  They are prefab. from Better Homes and Gardens.  The baskets I got on sale at Target.

The left shelves hold my crafting stuff.  The top is scrapbook, the middle baskets are miscellaneous, and cross stitch.  The bottom holds yarn... oh the many projects that I have planned for that yarn!

The right side holds our office stuff. 

On top, we have a mail sorter that has 2 labels: "file" and "respond." Now, instead of piling our mail up for days, we open it immediately and put it into one of those 2 categories.  Trash goes immediately into the trash.  When I pay bills, I put away anything that needs filing, and I respond to anything that needs responding.

The top shelves have anything we need for mailing, envelopes, stamps, address book, etc. and miscellaneous office supplies.

The middle basket has paper.  I also have a small filing box on this shelf.  When I pay bills, the things that need filed go into this box.  At the end of the year, my plan is to take those folders, sort them,
 and put anything that we need to keep into our larger filing system that is in our bedroom closet.

The bottom shelf has all of our homeschool materials.

We've been living with this system for a few weeks now, and it's working wonderfully! I love that everything has a place.  Also, most of my baskets are not full, and I have more space on my shelves that I can utilize if needed.  Another plus is that now that I can see everything I have, I won't be buying duplicates (we seriously had like 5 bottles of glue before I went through them-- and Kristen has more in her room!)  It also takes up less space than our desk did.  And the best part, is that there isn't anywhere to lay down our junk! We have to put it away, or throw it away immediately!

The rest of our living room was pretty functional, so we didn't really make changes.  I went through, and straightened up the bookshelf, the drawer under our TV cabinet, and our DVD's, but nothing in those areas needed to be reorganized really. 

Anyway- that's our living room organization! Next up, the kitchen!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

K's family tour

This past weekend, Kristen got to meet her Peepaw and Momo (aka. Scott and Imogene- Will's dad and stepmom).  They came up on Thursday night, and left us Saturday afternoon.  We had a fantastic time with them! 

Thursday they came over to our apartment to meet Kristen, give her presents (I mean, what better way to introduce yourself to someone!), and read her a bedtime story.

...I don't know how to turn these photos in blogger. sorry!

Friday, they took her shopping and out to eat.

This was the only photo I took Friday- Peepaw getting a massage at the mall!
Saturday, we went to the Speed Art Museum.  What a neat museum! We hadn't been before, but someone gave us passes, and we decided to give it a try.  They have all sorts of stuff for kids too.  I highly recommend it!

She loved meeting them, and we are so thankful they got to come! 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

All my love

This is  a song that's been on my heart lately.  In fact, I've never once been able to listen to it without crying... and I don't mean getting just a little teary, I mean a full-on sobfest where ever I happen to be (usually in the car).  Listen to the song, and then I'll tell you why it's on my heart:

The writer/singer of this song wrote it about his baby boy, who was born with a heart defect.  You can read his story here:

For Kristen: Kristen does not have a heart defect, but she's got a lot going on.  I haven't, and I won't go into a ton of detail about her past, or her current issues, but suffice it to say that you are not removed from your biological parents and placed in foster care for no reason.  If you are imagining the worst that could have happened to her, you probably aren't even close... So she (like anyone would) has a lot of issues that she is dealing with.  Some of those things she may be able to overcome, but many of them she probably won't be able to overcome.  Y'all, the teenage years have us scared to death for her.

We know that there will probably be a lot of heartache ahead with her.  Her future is very uncertain.  My mom says that we need to believe and hope the best for her, and we do, and we absolutely believe God is working a miracle in her life right now.  We are amazed at the progress that she's made just in the few short months she's been home.  However, we want to be prepared for issues that we might face in the future so that we're not totally caught off guard by them.  It's tough to balance.

That said, I have found myself in the past wondering if it's worth it to really invest the time, love and energy into her, just so that I can have my heart broken.  Y'all, there are tears for her daily around our home.  As I read my Bible, and I pray, and I listen to this song, I have realized that I have to give her everything I have, and every single ounce of my love, even if it's not enough.  It's the only way that she stands a chance...

For Sam: My miracle baby.  We didn't do a lot of testing, but we didn't think we'd be able to have biological children, and we were ok with that.  We'd tried for 2 1/2 years, and really thought that God wanted us to build our family strictly through adoption.  After a miscarriage in 2010, I really wasn't sure I wanted to be pregnant again.  That miscarriage absolutely rocked me to my core.  It took about a year before I was even close to "myself" again.  So when we found out we were pregnant again, we were thrilled, but my first thought was to keep it to ourselves, and not tell anyone until after the 1st trimester.  I thought if we didn't tell anyone, then it wouldn't be so real, I wouldn't get so attached, and it wouldn't be so traumatic if/when we miscarried.  However, this song taught me that I had to love this baby with reckless abandon. This baby is my child, just like the baby we miscarried, and just like Kristen.  Our pregnancy is not over, and I know that a lot could still go wrong, but I am not going to let that stop me from loving him with all I have.  If I don't, I know that I'll regret it.

God has taught me that I have no control over how he's growing and developing.  God is the one who is forming Sam in my womb.  I have to trust Him that He loves Sam more than I do, and that He is taking care of Him- just like He loves Kristen more than I do, and He's got her life under control.

There's so much more I could say about this, but God has really taken me on a journey of letting go of control, and giving that to Him over the past couple of years.  It's been rough because my OCD self wants things done a certain way, but it's been GOOD y'all.  It's been good.