It's been a couple weeks since I've posted- yes, we're still alive- we've just been busy (such is life- right?) Anyway, I wanted to do a quick update of what's been going on:
Kristen- She's doing very well. She moved into a new classroom last week. She was in a 1/2 split, but we had an overflow of 2nd graders- enough to hire a new teacher- and so now she's in a straight 2nd grade class. Her teacher is wonderful, and I'm thankful that Kristen is in her class. I was very concerned about how that transition would go, but she's done well. She's enjoying her dance classes, and getting ready for a recital in late October!
Will- The biggest news in our family is that Will got a new job! He's been looking for quite some time. His current position was such a blessing to us- it was flexible for his class schedule, and he was able to carry his own benefits. However, now that we are a family of (almost) 4, the pay just wasn't quite enough. Sooo.... he's got 1 more week there and then he's going to be working at CarMax, selling cars! Go see him if you want to buy or sell your car! But wait until November- he will be training through the month of October, and doesn't make commission on what he buys or sells until November. ;)
Me and Sam- We're 33 1/2 weeks! Sam is growing right on track! He's been good to his mommy during this pregnancy. Braxton Hicks have slowed down- I think my body needed some serious readjusting to being back in school. He's head down, heartbeat is good (around 140) and so far, everything is going smoothly. I'm hoping that a relatively easy pregnancy= an easy delivery and an easy baby? Maybe? Don't crush my dreams, y'all! We are working to get things ready around here for his arrival. My parents have gifted us with his pack 'n play so we'll be getting his "corner" set up soon. (Sad thing about being the 2nd child is that all of the sudden a "corner" in mom and dad's room is sufficient space for you! lol) I'm loving putting away his clothes, and imagining what he'll look like in them. We've still got quite a few things to purchase for him (like a carseat- I've heard we need one of those), but we'll get there. I'm trying to focus on the "what do we NEED to get done/have to have before his arrival" list as opposed to the "this is cute/I would like to do this" list.
Other updates: Our family is crazy busy between now and Sam's arrival. We've got plans almost every weekend that will take up all Saturday, or Friday/Saturday, etc. Also, our weeknights are filling up quickly. We are trying to remember to schedule only things that we have to do, and spend lots of time as a family of 3.
We are still looking at different housing options, and we'll make a decision-sometime. Maybe over Christmas... maybe over the summer... who knows. We are still praying about what we need to do there, and want to make wise decisions.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
When you ask me that question...
When you ask me in front of my daughter, "I bet you're really glad you're having a boy this time, right?" You may not see it, but she gives me a look that says, "Am I enough, mom?" I tell you that we are so thankful the Lord has blessed us with 2 children, and we would be thrilled with boys, or girls.
You respond with, "Well, sure, but I bet your husband's glad to have a boy now."
You have no idea the devastation this causes my little daddy's girl. Her daddy is her whole world. If she thought for even just a second that she wasn't enough for him, it would destroy her. Yes, my husband is glad to have a son. But his little girl is his princess. Their love is special and unique. If we had another daughter, she would be his princess too.
My husband and my son will share a unique love too- but it won't be the same relationship as this daddy-daughter thing.
I know, because that's what I have with my daddy. My dad and my brother would throw the baseball around, and play "knee wrestling" in the living room. They would go out of town for the weekend, and stay in the Motel 6, and eat Waffle House and McDonalds (2 for 2 Big Macs anyone?) and watch sports until they got sick. But daddy would take me on a date to the park for a picnic, and we would play paper dolls (and he would make up voices for all of them!) My brother and I both love our dad. We both share a special bond with him, but it's not the same relationship. And it shouldn't be. When my brother got married, my dad was thrilled that he had become a man, and had found a wonderful woman to be his wife. When I got married, his heart was tender, and during our father-daughter dance, he couldn't control the tears any longer. Mom says that my dad still says, "But her name's not Melissa Thomas, it's Melissa Meighan" when he calls and gets my voicemail.
My mom says she knew that my daddy and I would have a forever special bond right after I was born. Mom had a c-section, and I was fussy. She couldn't hold me in a way that I was comfortable, so she handed me to my dad. As soon as I was in daddy's arms, I sighed deeply, and went to sleep. A tear ran down his cheek.
Kristen and I have a special relationship too, but it's different than what she has with her daddy. My relationship with Samuel will be different too.
I know, because I watched mine and my brother's relationships with my mom.
Mom says that when we were little, Matt would say to her, "Mommy, you're so beautiful. You're the best mommy in the whole world. I love you!" 2 seconds later, in I would walk and say, "uh, Mom, you need to brush your hair, it's a mess." My mom and I fought like cats and dogs through the teenage years, but now, she's my best friend. I can't hardly go a day without talking to her, or sometimes even make a decision (about whether or not to buy an outfit for the kids!) without talking to her about it first.
It's the same with Kristen and I. We will fight like cats and dogs through the teenage years (man, we're both stubborn!!!) but one day, I'll help her get her wedding dress on, and one day, I'll have tears of rejoicing when she brings home her 1st child. She'll pick up the phone to call me in tears when that same baby is fussy in the middle of the night and she can't get him calmed down. We have a unique relationship.
Samuel and I will have a different relationship. He'll be my baby boy forever, and when he looks for his bride walking down the isle- I'll be the only one looking at him. I'll need to see in his eyes reassurance that this is the woman God has for him. It will be hard for me not to overstep my bounds when his wife burns all their dinners for the 1st year, or when she doesn't know how to fold his socks "the right way." But I will be so unbelievably proud as I watch him lead his family to do God's will.
So you see, we are thrilled that we have a girl, and a boy. We would be just as thrilled with 2 girls, however. When you ask "I bet you're sure glad to have a boy now," it makes my daughter think she's not enough- like she's just "ok" but what we really wanted was to have a boy.
Also, when you say, "well, just as long as the baby's healthy, right?" in response to me saying we would be thrilled with either boys or girls, you imply that we would love our child less if he was not healthy. And that, is simply not the case. Yes, we pray for the health of both of our children, but even more than that, we pray that they will come to know God as their Lord and Savior.
We are incredibly blessed that the Lord has given us children. We've prayed for them for years. And boys, girls, or aliens, healthy or sick, we are thankful for His blessings.
You respond with, "Well, sure, but I bet your husband's glad to have a boy now."
You have no idea the devastation this causes my little daddy's girl. Her daddy is her whole world. If she thought for even just a second that she wasn't enough for him, it would destroy her. Yes, my husband is glad to have a son. But his little girl is his princess. Their love is special and unique. If we had another daughter, she would be his princess too.
My husband and my son will share a unique love too- but it won't be the same relationship as this daddy-daughter thing.
I know, because that's what I have with my daddy. My dad and my brother would throw the baseball around, and play "knee wrestling" in the living room. They would go out of town for the weekend, and stay in the Motel 6, and eat Waffle House and McDonalds (2 for 2 Big Macs anyone?) and watch sports until they got sick. But daddy would take me on a date to the park for a picnic, and we would play paper dolls (and he would make up voices for all of them!) My brother and I both love our dad. We both share a special bond with him, but it's not the same relationship. And it shouldn't be. When my brother got married, my dad was thrilled that he had become a man, and had found a wonderful woman to be his wife. When I got married, his heart was tender, and during our father-daughter dance, he couldn't control the tears any longer. Mom says that my dad still says, "But her name's not Melissa Thomas, it's Melissa Meighan" when he calls and gets my voicemail.
Kristen and I have a special relationship too, but it's different than what she has with her daddy. My relationship with Samuel will be different too.
I know, because I watched mine and my brother's relationships with my mom.
Mom says that when we were little, Matt would say to her, "Mommy, you're so beautiful. You're the best mommy in the whole world. I love you!" 2 seconds later, in I would walk and say, "uh, Mom, you need to brush your hair, it's a mess." My mom and I fought like cats and dogs through the teenage years, but now, she's my best friend. I can't hardly go a day without talking to her, or sometimes even make a decision (about whether or not to buy an outfit for the kids!) without talking to her about it first.
It's the same with Kristen and I. We will fight like cats and dogs through the teenage years (man, we're both stubborn!!!) but one day, I'll help her get her wedding dress on, and one day, I'll have tears of rejoicing when she brings home her 1st child. She'll pick up the phone to call me in tears when that same baby is fussy in the middle of the night and she can't get him calmed down. We have a unique relationship.
So you see, we are thrilled that we have a girl, and a boy. We would be just as thrilled with 2 girls, however. When you ask "I bet you're sure glad to have a boy now," it makes my daughter think she's not enough- like she's just "ok" but what we really wanted was to have a boy.
Also, when you say, "well, just as long as the baby's healthy, right?" in response to me saying we would be thrilled with either boys or girls, you imply that we would love our child less if he was not healthy. And that, is simply not the case. Yes, we pray for the health of both of our children, but even more than that, we pray that they will come to know God as their Lord and Savior.
We are incredibly blessed that the Lord has given us children. We've prayed for them for years. And boys, girls, or aliens, healthy or sick, we are thankful for His blessings.
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