Saturday, April 6, 2013

Kristen is 8 years old!

Our 1st family photo- Dec. 2011
Sweet girl, you are another year older!  It's so exciting for you (although a little sad for me!)  You are growing into such a beautiful young lady. 

Your 8th year of life brought you a forever family, and a baby brother! What a year!  This next year will bring some exciting changes too.  :)

Your daddy, brother and I love you so very very much. 

You are a daddy's girl for sure! I love how much you love him, and how you think he can do nothing wrong.  You'd rather spend time with your daddy than just about anyone else.  He loves spending time with you too, and you will always be his little girl! (You should have seen the look on his face when I told him I thought you were ready to get your ears pierced! "My little Kristen?!")

Your baby brother absolutely adores you and it's been amazing to watch you be a big sister to him.  You take such sweet care of him, and you tell everyone, everywhere we go, "That's my baby brother!"  You genuinely get excited for him whenever he does something new.  You want to help care for him in every way.  I'm excited to watch your relationship develop as you both grow older.

As for me, you've taught me so many things- about how God loves us unconditionally, about how He wants the best for us always, even about why He disciplines us, and how it breaks His heart to do so.  You and I are working together on "girly" things- how to become a young lady.  We love to paint our toenails, watch "girly" movies, and do crafts together.  Homeschooling has given me a greater appreciation for you.  I think since our pace of life isn't so frantic (still very, very busy though!), I've slowed down and have been able to better appreciate your sense of humor, your tenderness, your helpfulness, and your care of others.  I wouldn't trade that time that we have together for anything. 

Kristen, you have a smile that can light up a room!  We can't wait to watch that smile continue to grow, and we can't wait to see how God is going to work in your life over the next year!  We love you to the moon, and back and back and back and back and back.... ;)

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