Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sam is 5 months old!

One morning before of the 1st warm days of spring!
Well baby boy, another month has come and gone.  Why do I constantly feel like they're going faster than normal?  :)

One of your 1st bites of rice cereal
This month was pretty tame.  You started solids, and you have yet to eat a food that you don't like.  You've tried rice cereal, avocado, bananas, apples, pears, sweet potatoes, acorn squash, and green beans.  You eat way more than is recommended on the feeding chart the doctor gave me- I have to cut you off- and you love every. single. bite.  Meal time is certainly entertaining!

My friend Miss Rachel came to visit.  We went to the Kentucky Derby Museum, Louisville Slugger Museum, shopping, and more! We had such a good time!

We celebrated your cousin Carson's 1st birthday, and ended up snowed in in Indianapolis.  It was your 1st hotel visit, and you hated it!  The hotel was out of cribs, and we didn't have a pack 'n play with us, so we thought you might sleep in your carseat as you've done before when you were sick.  That lasted all of 3 minutes, and then you screamed.  So, I thought maybe you would sleep on my chest, but you woke up screaming every 45 minutes.  You may have gone 1 stretch that was 2 hours.  Maybe.  It was a long night, but you did sleep the whole way home the next morning! And the most important thing was that we were all safe.
Easter Sunday!

We also celebrated Easter, and you looked so handsome in your pants, vest and tie.  Seriously. Adorable.  You went back into the nursery on Easter Sunday too. Hurray!
This is what happens when your sister feeds you- and yes, you had a bib on!

This has been the month of MOVING! You are all over the place! You still don't like to roll over much, but you wiggle yourself around to get to wherever you want to go.  My guess is that army crawling will be coming very soon...

Hey, I think I'll go see what's over here...

...and now back over here
hey mom..
You're looking more and more like your daddy, and you have his silly personality too.  Although, like me, you're very happy to be home after we've been out running around.  The day we got back from Uncle Matt and Aunt Jill's house, you didn't stop smiling and looking around. 

We're excited to see what the next month brings!!!

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