Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Big Move?

A few days ago, Will told me that he felt like the Lord may be leading our family to move to Kansas City.  Why Kansas City?  Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is there, and Will feels called to pursue his Ph.D there.  We actually felt like the Lord was leading us there a year ago, and then we found out we were pregnant with Sam, and decided that I should continue working at least until he was born because, well, insurance is a good thing.

So, as we've talked the past few days, I've realized that I have a million emotions and thoughts running through my brain all at the same time.  I want to use this blog to "flesh out" some of those thoughts, as well as give (and get?!) some practical moving advice.  This will be our family's biggest and most challenging move thus far.  It will be our 1st with children. enough. said. :)

So here's some thoughts:
On the positive side:
-Will and I feel certain that this is what God has called us to do.  Over the last few months, we've sensed we were out of the Lord's will, and let me tell you- there's no scarier place to be.  As I told my dad, "we got a little lost for a while, but we're back on the right track now."

-For Kristen: it will be a fresh start where there are no established bad memories.  It seems like everywhere in Louisville reminds her of something...

-Midwestern has an exciting PhD program, and they've actually continuously pursued Will since he began to submit his application last spring- asking him often to complete his application, come visit, etc.

-We'll be more centrally located in the country, and can visit some places I've never been.

-We'll only be a 2 day instead of 3 day drive to my parents' house, and that might actually be feasible to do.

On the negative side:
-It's a BIG move! Change creates lots of anxiety and acting out in Kristen.. There's also a million little details to figure out.

-We will miss our church family dearly.  I'll probably do a whole blog post on it, but it makes me cry just to think about it.  I seriously doubt we'll ever find a church that we love as much as 9th and O Baptist Church.

-We'll be farther away from Will's side of the family, and my brother's family.

So that's where we're at.  Big move.  Big emotions. Stay tuned!

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