Okay, so I'm a few days late, but it's still America's birthday week, right? :)
The 4th of July was an interesting weekend for us. Will is taking a J-term this week (an entire semester's worth of class in 1 week) so he had a lot of reading and writing to do to prepare for class, and I'm in a 6 week class, so I had a lot to do as well. Celebrations in our home were mostly limited to Monday.
Sunday we had a potluck at church. Is there ANYTHING better than a church potluck?? Seriously, fried chicken, sides, and desserts as far as you can see (and our church has 3 LINES of it!) Okay... enough of my fat kid rantings. We enjoyed eating with some of our dear friends from church, and it didn't even feel like the 95+ degrees that it was outside, because we scored a spot in the shade! :) After we got home, it was back to work for both of us...
But then MONDAY came! We had planned on a day trip to Lexington, but then Will told me that he had a lot of work stil to do, and didn't think we'd be able to go :(. Liar. At about 9 AM, he asked if I could be ready to go by 10. ABSOLUTELY! I love car rides with Will. I know I have his undivided attention for as long as we are in the car. We've even come up with names for our children on our trips back and forth to Indy to visit my bro and sis-in-law. :) Lexington's about an hour away, so I thoroughly enjoyed talking with him the whole way.
Our 1st stop was Jarred's. This is where we got my engagement ring, and our wedding rings 2 years ago. We bought the Lifetime Warranty on them so we could get them cleaned and replated every 6 months. Plus, it comes with a guarantee on the diamonds. Well.... 2 years later, we had yet to get them checked. We were a little nervous about what that meant, if our warranty would be void, etc. Thankfully, our rings were still in great shape, and so our warranty was reinstated, as long as we have them checked every 6 months. Also, we found out that there are other stores we can take them to besides Jarred's (good, b/c Jarred's is an hour away, and the other stores are in L'ville!)
While we were waiting on our rings, we grabbed some lunch- Chinese at the food court :) and did some shopping! Now, Will and I hardly ever actually shop. It's not that we don't like to, it's just that with limited funds, we'd rather go out to eat than get a new shirt (again, it's the fat kid in me). On Monday, we actually SHOPPED! We both got not 1, but 2 new pairs of shoes, and I got new sunglasses- quite the shopping spree for us :). Then it was back to pick up our rings, which looked brand new, and then another hour in the car (!) to head back home.
Once home, we headed to the health and fitness center on campus where Will taught me how to play raquetball (quite humorous to watch, I'm sure) and then we went swimming. Quick dinner on the way home, and then we were able to relax for the rest of the evening!
I could not have asked for a more perfect day, and I'm thankful we got to spend some time together. This summer's been extremely busy with work, classes, and church stuff for both of us. It was great to have a break from it all!
P.S. My computer's not uploading pics for some reason, so here's an old one of my ring, all clean and shiny :). Also, I'll try not to be so verbose from now on :)

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