We went to the recovery room (where I stayed until I could wiggle my toes) and then we were taken to our room. Fully expecting Samuel to join us within the hour, we began getting settled in, and talking to our nurse about our day. Another hour ticked by, and he still wasn't with us, so I sent Will to check on him. Will came back and said they were still just observing him. Will had seen him through the nusery window and chatted with the nurse. Sam was breathing better, but they were still observing.
Another hour ticked by and I sent our nurse to check. She came back and told me that someone would be in to speak with us shortly. So finally at 3:30am, someone came and told us that Sam had holes in both lungs, and they were going to put him on oxygen for the night and keep him in the NICU. She assured us that they expected his 9:00 chest xray to show complete healing. He would be monitored a couple more hours in the NICU, and then released to our room.
So this was yet another night of not sleeping. I wasn't allowed to move from my bed to go see him until at least 5:30, so Will went and took pictures, video etc. for me. At 5:30, my nurse wheeled me into his room. I was allowed to touch, but not hold my baby. So at 9:00, we went back for his chest xray, and waited to speak to the dr.
When we spoke with her, she told us that his lungs were showing improvement, but weren't 100% and he needed another 6 hours under oxygen and then another chest xray. I sobbed and asked if I could just hold him for a second. I was told no, so we sat with him and held his hands.
A few minutes later, the drs. decided to let him off of the oxygen. So I got to hold him and nurse him for the 1st time.
6 hours later... xray looked about the same, so we were going to check again in the morning.
Sunday morning we thought for sure he would be out of there, but the xray again showed improvement but not 100% healing...
So we wait. We have another xray in the morning (Monday) and if that's clear, he should be released.
We have had some problems getting started nursing but I think he and I are both finally getting the hang of it.
He is sweet and content most of the time, and we thank God for this miracle. We just need him released from the NICU, and with us ASAP. :)
PS- Kristen has only been allowed to view him through the glass because she's not 14 yet. Also, she doesn't know that baby brother is sick and we haven't quite decided when/ how/ how much we'll share with her.
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