Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sam is 4 Months!

 At your 4 month appointment, you were 16 lbs. 1 oz. and 25 inches long.  Since your 1 month appointment, you've consistently been in the 75% for weight, and 50% for height.

This month was the month of LAUGHING! Oh, that laugh! It's such a sweet sound.  We like to do whatever we have to do to get a laugh out of you. :)

adios 3-6 month clothes!
You also learned how to roll from your back to your belly this month- although you've only done it a couple of times, and it usually takes some persuading to get you to- you don't like to be on your belly!

This month was also a rough one. You spent about 2 weeks sick with bronchiolotis (non rsv) but the dr. Said that the virus you had acted just like rsv. We did breathing teeaents and were able to keep you out of the hospital. I don't think I realized just how sick you really were until we were at a dinner party. You couldn't breathe to eat, and we spent most of the evening in the back room- with you screaming, going back and forth between breathing treatments, and trying to get you to eat.  I'm not sure why it didn't register until then- I knew you were sick, and we had been to the dr. 3 times in a week, but I guess since the dr. said "non-rsv" I thought, "well, he's not that sick and he's not running a fever, and he's just an infant and not interacting with other kids yet, so..."  Once we got home that night, I apologized to you for taking you there, and then vowed to keep you at home until you felt better.  Lesson learned.

breathing treatments

So after that- it was your 3rd sickness in 6 weeks, the dr. recommended that we pull you out of church nursery until you are closer to 6-7 months old to give your immune system a little more time to develop.  So now, your "Sunday School Class" is at the preschool desk, by yourself with two of the sweetest ladies in our church, who just so happen to be totally smitten with you.  You flirt with them the whole hour until daddy and I come get you.  With 2 teachers to yourself, we're expecting you to have John 3:16 memorized by next week. ;)

Silly boy!

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